No Need Collagen Injection, There is a Natural way

The key to healthy skin, smooth and youthful is the amount of collagen in the skin. Wanting to have a lot of collagen, a lot of people especially women who are addicted to injectable collagen or supplements. But in fact there are natural ways to maintain collagen.

Collagen is a protein that the body uses to form connective tissue. The molecules join to form long-lasting collagen, a fibrous provides a framework for cartilage, tendon and skin.

Healthy skin needs collagen rejuvenation. Unfortunately, age or sun exposure can damage the collagen fibers so that the loss of elasticity.

Here are some natural ways you can do to maintain skin collagen.

1. Avoid salty foods and caffeinated beverages
Salt can cause the body to bind more water molecules, so that fluid can not flow easily into the thin-skinned body. This can cause excessive dryness of the dermis (skin surface). When the collagen fibers become dry it will be easily damaged.

To that end, limit eating foods containing high salt and caffeinated beverages. Create a better diet and multiply eat vegetables and fruit to make the skin stay fresh.

In addition, inadequate fluid needs by drinking water drinking at least 8 glasses each day to get healthy skin. Water is needed for healthy skin growth.

2. Increase blood circulation to the sport
Exercise can prevent fat accumulating under the subcutaneous layer of skin. Fat deposits can eventually damage the collagen, which would cause sagging skin and wrinkles.

Improve blood circulation with exercise done by changing the sugar into energy, thereby preventing the accumulation of fat under the skin. At least do 30 minutes of exercise every day.

3. Expand the consumption of foods rich in omega-3 fatty acids
Omega-3 fatty acids can help prevent the inflammatory cells. When the cell is weak, the body can not effectively produce collagen. Omega-3 fatty acids will ensure the body's cells working properly to build collagen.

Foods that contain lots of omega-3 such as salmon, sardines, walnuts, hazelnuts or cashews. Omega-3 supplements are also available in capsule form.

4. Lots of vitamin C
Add more vitamin C in your daily menu. Mayo Clinic states that studies show that foods rich in vitamin C to promote healthy-looking skin, because vitamin C can increase collagen growth.

5. Many vitamin A consumption
According to the University of Maryland Medical Center, increasing intake of vitamin A can stimulate the body's natural collagen. Vitamin A is an element needed by the body to maintain healthy skin and mucous membranes.

Foods rich in vitamin A such as beef, liver, eggs, milk and dark leafy green vegetables.

6. Many foods that contain AHA
Alpha-Hydroxy Acid (AHA) is responsible to remove old skin cells that may be attached to the upper layer of skin. If not cleaned, old skin cells to make skin look older.

A study conducted by the Department of Dermatology at the Cleveland Clinic Foundation concluded that the AHA helps reduce the appearance of wrinkles and aging skin.

Fruits such as oranges, pineapple, grapes and oranges, as well as lactic acid found in milk all contain AHA.

7. Use sunscreen
Skin that does not use sunscreen will easily damaged by ultraviolet rays. Damaged skin can not produce collagen, thus protecting the skin from the harmful effects of the sun will keep the skin healthy and promote growth.